West Pilton Bank
Streets in this area:
West Pilton Bank EH4 4HN
11 flats (10 flats within a stair and 1 ground floor main door flat)
Property types
1 Bed Flat within the Stair
One Bedroom, Hall, Livingroom, Kitchen, Bathroom with shower cubicle, A shared stairway, back courtyard, bin store and bike store under the terms of section 2.8 to 2.15 Common Parts. There is no designated parking space and the tenant’s attention is drawn to section 2.16 of this tenancy agreement.
Category: General Needs Flats2 Bed (3 person) Amenity Ground Floor Flat within Stair
Two, Hall, Livingroom, Kitchen, Wet Floor Shower Room, A shared stairway, back courtyard, bin store and bike store. A rear paved patio area. A designated car parking space.
Category: Amenity Flats2 Bed (3 person) Flat within the Stair
Two Bedroom, Hall, Livingroom, Kitchen, Bathroom with shower over bath, A shared stairway, back courtyard, bin store and bike store. There is no designated parking space.
Category: General Needs Flats